Dr. Suárez-Menéndez knows that drugs alone will not stop or improve aging, nor will they improve health.
Therefore, in his quest for perfection he has created The Mesuá® Rx, Anti-Aging Program. The Program Combines both Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceuticals. Working synergistically, both programs help promote Anti-Aging through health and beauty management.
The Mesuá® Rx Nutraceutical Program works within the body to help maintain and promote overall optimal health.
The complementary, topical Cosmeceutical Program works to help protect and maintain healthy, youthful, wrinkle-free skin. Dr. Suárez-Menéndez's Cosmeceuticals were specially formulated by him to be the ONP, The Optimal-Nutrition-Program, for Healthy-Youthful-Skin. The special formulae in each Program contain many of the same Nutraceutical ingredients. In order to insure Total Optimum Health. These special Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Programs were created to work synergistically from inside the body, and, topically on the skin to help promote... the Anti-Aging,Total Nutritional Health and Wellness Program.
Dr. Suárez-Menéndez has lectured all over the world, showing Doctors, Patients and consumers the powerful positive changes that Anti-Aging Medicine has made within the last decade. He has appeared both nationally and internationally on English and Spanish TV and radio shows.
Not only has Dr. Suárez-Menéndez's written books about Anti-Aging, he has been quoted in numerous articles in magazines and newspapers. One of his favorite books is Spa Medicine.
He has also received numerous national and international honors and awards for recognition of his continued service in the field of Modern Anti-Aging Medicine.
Dr. Suárez-Menéndez knows that surgery alone cannot improve damaged, dehydrated skin’s tone or elasticity. Therefore, he created The Mesuá® Rx Anti-Aging Program. He combined Nutraceuticals with Cosmeceuticals to help maintain a Healthy Body & Healthy Skin, Nutraceuticals and Cosmeceuticals working together from the inside-out. Thus, insuring total Body-Wellness and helping skin to maintain a wrinkle free, healthy youthful glow.
“Prevention is better than the Cure”(tm)
For additonal information on Jorge Suárez-Menéndez, M.D. resumé please click here.